
Laser Cutting Service

Get high-quality laser cutting services for prototypes and production parts. Custom high-precision laser cut parts with excellent dimensional stability. At low prices, fast lead times.





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What Is Plasma Cutting?

Plasma cutting is a production process involving the use of ionized gas at temperatures above 20,0000C to melt and remove material from a workpiece. The gasses used here include argon/hydrogen, argon, or nitrogen. Plasma cutting is ideal for making high-precision parts with both general and industry-specific applications. You could get numerous benefits from using GCH’s custom plasma cutting service when making your product parts. Some of these advantages include:


Laser Cutting From Prototyping to Production

The versatility and precision of laser cutting ensure excellent initial product development and continuous production. Design files are rapidly turned into end products, from intricate custom parts to complex enclosures.


Functional Prototype

Create prototypes with intricate details and fine features that might be difficult to achieve using other cutting methods. Allowing for quick turnaround times and reducing the overall production time.



Create quick and precise cuts for a variety of materials. This can include creating test pieces, evaluating designs, and producing small quantities of a product for testing and validation.

GCH Overmolding Capabilities

GCH 的定制包胶服务可确保生产出外观和性能更佳的塑料零件。我们的生产线采用包胶注塑工艺,可以将多种不同的材料融为一体,确保您获得质量上乘的产品。

标准 说明
厚度 Aluminum≤40 mm, Steel≤50 mm, Stainless Steel≤50 mm
Cutting Tolerance The standard tolerance level for plasma cutting ranges between 0.1 to 0.2mm. This tolerance level depends majorly on the size of the part and general requirements. However, at GCH, we adjust our tolerance levels to match our customer’s requirements.
Cutting Area The cutting area for thin sheet aluminum of up to 4mm thickness is 1000 x 2000mm, 1250 x 2500 mm, and 1500 x 3000mm. While cutting area for thick sheets of steel over 4mm thickness is 1500 x 3000mm, 2000 x 3000mm, 1500 x 6000mm
准备时间 5 days or more
Kerf (slit size) About 0.5 mm (0.02 in.)
Edge condition Laser cut edges have matte and vertical lines.
Laser sources CO2 and fiber lasers. Up to 10 kW.
Repeatability +/- 0.05 mm (0.002 in.)
Positioning accuracy +/- 0.10 mm (0.004 in.)
准备时间 5-7 days

Materials for Plasma Cutting

GCH’s laser cutting service is versatile and compatible with various materials, ranging from ferrous to non-ferrous metals, plastics, and other non-metals. Our laser cutting facility combines ultra-modern technology with skilled professionals to laser cut materials across different strengths, weights, and thermal properties. Here are some laser cutting materials available for your project.



Aluminum’s ability to reflect heat is one of the reasons why machinists favor this metal as a plasma-cutting material. It is also lightweight, non-corrosive, and highly malleable. Furthermore, aluminum is cost-effective, with a shorter plasma cutting time compared to other materials. Aluminum also has a high rate of recyclability, which helps reduce waste in the long term.

Subtypes: 2024, 5052, 5083, 6061, 6063, 6082, 7075


Steel is one of the most popular metals in machine shops due to its high machinability. Asides from machinability, steel has high tensile strength, ductility, and malleability. It is also very durable, with an aesthetically pleasing appearance. One major reason steel is ideal for plasma cutting is its high weldability, which allows it to withstand the stress caused by heat from the plasma cutter.

Subtypes: 1018, 1020, 1025, 1045, 1215, 4130, 4140, 4340, 5140,A36,ST37



Stainless steel is a metal alloy that contains at least 11% chromium. The chromium content of this metal gives it a glossy appearance. This metal is ideal for plasma cutting due to its strength at high temperatures, as it performs better than most metals. Stainless steel also has a high tensile strength and good plasticity. Besides, stainless steel is quite easy to machine.

Subtypes: 201, 303, 304, 316, 316L, 420, 430, 431, 304


Finishing Options for Plasma Cutting

Parts made using plasma cutting usually feature excellent finishes. At GCH, we offer various custom finishing options that boost the produced part’s functionality, appearance, and durability.

名称 材料 颜色 纹理 厚度
阳极氧化 铝质 透明、黑色、灰色、红色、蓝色、金色。 光滑的哑光表面。 薄层:5-20 微米 硬质阳极氧化膜:60-200 µm
贝德爆破 ABS、铝、黄铜、不锈钢、钢 不适用 亚光 0.3 毫米-6 毫米
粉末涂层 铝、不锈钢、钢 黑色,任何 RAL 代码或 Pantone 编号 亮光或半亮光 5052 铝 0.063″-0.500 英寸 6061 铝 0.063″-0.500 英寸 7075 铝 0.125"-0.250″ 低碳钢 0.048″-0.500″ 低碳钢 0.048″-0.500″ 低碳钢 4130 铬钼钢 0.050″-0.250″ 不锈钢 0.048″-0.250″ 英寸 0.048″-0.500″ 不锈钢
电镀 铝、钢、不锈钢 不适用 光滑亮泽的表面 30-500 µin
抛光 铝、黄铜、不锈钢、钢 不适用 光泽 不适用
刷牙 铝、黄铜、不锈钢、钢 视情况而定 缎面 不适用
丝网印刷 铝、黄铜、不锈钢、钢 视情况而定 不适用 < 1 µm
钝化 不锈钢 不变 5μm - 25μm

Gallery of Plasma Cut Parts

为什么选择 GCH

我们采取的方法旨在满足您的定制需求。我们旨在为工程专家和项目经理提供从设计到生产的长期原型包胶解决方案。GCH 将具有成本效益的模具与技术驱动的包覆成型服务相结合,有助于制造出高质量的零件。






我们的注塑成型工艺包括重要的设计考虑因素,以提高成型性和美观性。GCH 可提供不同尺寸和复杂程度的注塑成型零件。我们的标准公差由 ISO 2768 标准规定,有助于我们满足严格的公差要求。






与我们在注塑行业拥有 10 多年经验的专家合作,高效地完成从原型设计到生产的周转。

How Custom Plasma Cut Works?


Gallery of Plasma Cut Parts

请浏览 GCH 丰富的图库,其中展示了我们已完成的部分注塑件,您可以确信我们能够按照您的严格规格为您设计注塑项目。



我们的模具制作过程包括 6 个步骤:

步骤 1: 生产安排:确定所有要求并安排生产。

步骤 2: DFM 报告分析:免费提供详细的生产 DFM 报告,以便进一步进行可行性分析。

步骤 3: 生产模具:将模具投入生产,并提供整个周期的模具计划表,以便客户随时检查生产过程。

步骤 4: 免费样品测试:将模具投入生产,并提供整个周期的模具计划表,供客户随时检查生产过程。

步骤 5: 批量生产:客户确认样品合格后,正式进行后续生产。

步骤 6: 节省模具:生产完成并经过质量检验后交付。模具将被清洗并妥善保存,以备下一轮零件生产。

公差在注塑成型中至关重要;如果没有适当的规范和控制,就会出现装配问题。在 GCH,我们遵守 ISO 2068-c 的注塑公差标准,但也可根据需要满足更严格的规格要求。


订单下达后,模具设计和制作通常需要 35 天左右的时间,另外还需要 3-5 天来生产成型零件。


在 GCH,我们提供各种适用于各种应用的热塑性和热固性材料。一些常见的材料包括 ABS、聚碳酸酯、聚丙烯和 TPE。如需完整的材料清单或定制材料需求,请联系 我们的客户服务.

是的,GCH 提供 快速成型服务.这样,您就可以在投入大规模生产之前测试和验证您的设计。


