
Exquisite Craftsmanship in Components, Forged with Exceptional Expertise.

Immerse yourself in the realm of our robust manufacturing prowess, where each service is finessed to fulfill your distinct prototyping and production requirements. Our technical acumen extends to state-of-the-art methodologies, including the precision artistry of CNC machining, the transformative magic of injection molding, the architectural grace of sheet metal fabrication, among others. Entrust us with the task of breathing life into your prototypes or components.

  1. 首页
  2. 我们的能力

Unwavering Commitment to Crafting Superior Goods.

With a collective wisdom of 14 years, our squad of seasoned engineers meticulously scrutinizes and refines design blueprints. They’re dedicated to optimizing for stellar performance, budget-friendly solutions, and seamless mold production. Every design is meticulously examined, with a watchful eye on numerous critical aspects, guaranteeing the birth of molds that are truly exceptional in quality and craftsmanship.

Sharper focus, unparalleled professionalism.



价格 $

交货时间: < 10 天

公差: ±0.125毫米(±0.005英寸)

最大零件尺寸: 200 x 80 x 100 厘米



价格 $$$

交货时间: < 10 天

壁厚 0.75 毫米

公差: ±0.125毫米(±0.005英寸)

最大零件尺寸: 200 x 80 x 100 厘米



价格 $

交货时间: < 10 天

壁厚 0.75 毫米

公差: ±0.125毫米(±0.005英寸)

最大零件尺寸: 200 x 80 x 100 厘米


价格 $

交货时间: <10天

公差: ±0.125毫米

最大部件尺寸: 200 x 80 x 100 厘米


价格 $

准备时间 <10天

公差: ±0.125毫米

最大部件尺寸: 200 x 80 x 100 厘米


汽车行业使用的热塑性塑料种类很多,包括高密度聚乙烯、聚丙烯、丙烯酸、聚碳酸酯、PPS、ABS 和 PC-ABS。这些热塑性塑料具有优异的性能,从高抗冲击性到耐高温能力,不一而足。聚苯乙烯(PPS)。例如,它具有出色的尺寸稳定性、耐温性和抗硬性。热塑性塑料可用于汽车内饰、电池框架和汽车保险杠。


Bespoke Production at Your Command.

With our solid manufacturing skills, you can decide on the production quantity and other steps that fit your manufacturing requirements.


We use the latest technology and equipment to produce prototypes quickly and accurately, helping clients to reduce their product development time and costs.


For batch manufacturing, we have several options to accommodate your requirements, like vacuum casting, CNC machining, and plastic injection molding.


To complete large-volume manufacturing requirements, take advantage of our plastic injection molding, sheet metal fabrication, and other production processes.

Aerospace Manufacturing Capabilities

Take advantage of our professional manufacturing services throughout the production cycle, from prototyping and design validation to functional testing and product launch. We deliver high-quality and precise flight-worthy components with fast turnaround and at low costs. With our quality control process, you can be sure of getting parts that meet your unique requirements. 


Actual People, Ready to Assist.

We provide exceptional support even after order completion, giving you the confidence to offer your products to your market. Expert technicians with over a decade of industry experience and vast product expertise assist you with troubleshooting and optimal product use.

Technical Support

Project Management

Quality Inspection

