
Custom Online CNC Machining Services

From prototypes to on-demand production parts, get an instant quote for your metal or plastic projects with our online CNC machining services. Choose from 40+ materials, 10+ surface finishes. ISO 9001:2015, ISO 13485 certified.

10 S


1 天


0 件


0.01 毫米


Our On-Demand Manufacturing Services

For engineers, product developers, and designers requiring prototyping and low-volume production, GCH’s custom CNC services is the solution. From simple to intricate designs with tight tolerances, our ISO 9001 certified CNC machine shops ensure excellence. Our fast CNC machining capabilities promise quality custom machined parts delivered within 1 day.


Custom CNC Milling Services

CNC milling performs multi-axis milling operations, including 3, 4, and 5-axis machining processes. Offer precision and allow for the creation of detailed and specific geometries from metal or plastic blocks.


Custom CNC Turning Services

CNC milling performs multi-axis milling operations, including 3, 4, and 5-axis machining processes. Offer precision and allow for the creation of detailed and specific geometries from metal or plastic blocks.

Gallery of CNC Machined Parts

View the custom CNC machined prototypes and end-use parts we’ve produced for our customers. 

Gallery of CNC Machined Parts

Begin with a prototype, transition to small batches, and end with precise parts made just for your project. Every solution, designed for your needs.


With our robust manufacturing capabilities, we can deliver exceptional prototypes within short lead times. This enables you to quickly test prototype parts and bring them to market faster.

Bridge Production



Turn ideas into reality quickly with Rapid Prototyping. Detect and fix design errors early, saving time and costs, while ensuring your CNC machined product is market-ready.

CNC Machining Surface Finishes

从原型设计到生产,GCH 都能确保产品的卓越品质和可靠功能。我们拥有广泛的生产级金属和塑料材料选择以及高度先进的按需制造技术,可为多个行业提供高品质的产品。

aluminum image



价格 $

交货时间: < 10 天

公差: ±0.125毫米(±0.005英寸)

最大零件尺寸: 200 x 80 x 100 厘米



价格 $$$

交货时间: < 10 天

壁厚 0.75 毫米

公差: ±0.125毫米(±0.005英寸)

最大零件尺寸: 200 x 80 x 100 厘米



价格 $

交货时间: < 10 天

壁厚 0.75 毫米

公差: ±0.125毫米(±0.005英寸)

最大零件尺寸: 200 x 80 x 100 厘米


价格 $

交货时间: <10天

公差: ±0.125毫米

最大部件尺寸: 200 x 80 x 100 厘米


价格 $

准备时间 <10天

公差: ±0.125毫米

最大部件尺寸: 200 x 80 x 100 厘米


汽车行业使用的热塑性塑料种类很多,包括高密度聚乙烯、聚丙烯、丙烯酸、聚碳酸酯、PPS、ABS 和 PC-ABS。这些热塑性塑料具有优异的性能,从高抗冲击性到耐高温能力,不一而足。聚苯乙烯(PPS)。例如,它具有出色的尺寸稳定性、耐温性和抗硬性。热塑性塑料可用于汽车内饰、电池框架和汽车保险杠。

Finishing Options for Laser Cutting

Improve the surface quality of your plastic injection molded parts with superior surface finishing options. GCH  provides an extensive list of surface treatments to improve the aesthetic appeal of your products. These efficient secondary operations also improve the mechanical qualities of prototypes and production parts.

名称 材料 颜色 纹理 厚度
阳极氧化 铝质 透明、黑色、灰色、红色、蓝色、金色。 光滑的哑光表面。 薄层:5-20 微米 硬质阳极氧化膜:60-200 µm
贝德爆破 ABS、铝、黄铜、不锈钢、钢 不适用 亚光 0.3 毫米-6 毫米
粉末涂层 铝、不锈钢、钢 黑色,任何 RAL 代码或 Pantone 编号 亮光或半亮光 5052 铝 0.063″-0.500 英寸 6061 铝 0.063″-0.500 英寸 7075 铝 0.125"-0.250″ 低碳钢 0.048″-0.500″ 低碳钢 0.048″-0.500″ 低碳钢 4130 铬钼钢 0.050″-0.250″ 不锈钢 0.048″-0.250″ 英寸 0.048″-0.500″ 不锈钢
电镀 铝、钢、不锈钢 不适用 光滑亮泽的表面 30-500 µin
抛光 铝、黄铜、不锈钢、钢 不适用 光泽 不适用
刷牙 铝、黄铜、不锈钢、钢 视情况而定 缎面 不适用
丝网印刷 铝、黄铜、不锈钢、钢 视情况而定 不适用 < 1 µm
钝化 不锈钢 不变 5μm - 25μm


Tour Our Hermle CNC Machining Center

See the efficiency of GCH’s incredible line of Hermle 5-axis CNC machines—precision parts in just 24 hours.

Our CNC Machining for Various Industrial Applications

Online Instant Quote & DFM Analysis

No need to write a quote request email, get instant CNC quotes by simply uploading your design files. Our digital quoting platform analyzes your part geometry, and provides real-time & competitive pricing and comprehensive DFM feedback.

Online Instant Quote & DFM Analysis

No need to write a quote request email, get instant CNC quotes by simply uploading your design files. Our digital quoting platform analyzes your part geometry, and provides real-time & competitive pricing and comprehensive DFM feedback.

Online Instant Quote & DFM Analysis

No need to write a quote request email, get instant CNC quotes by simply uploading your design files. Our digital quoting platform analyzes your part geometry, and provides real-time & competitive pricing and comprehensive DFM feedback.

Online Instant Quote & DFM Analysis

No need to write a quote request email, get instant CNC quotes by simply uploading your design files. Our digital quoting platform analyzes your part geometry, and provides real-time & competitive pricing and comprehensive DFM feedback.

CNC Machining Overview

What's CNC Machining?

CNC Machining, or Computer Numerical Control Machining, is a manufacturing technique where computer-controlled devices are used to remove layers from a material, creating detailed parts or components. Through a combination of tooling and precise machine movement, it produces parts to exact specifications.

What's CNC Machining?

The CNC machining process begins by designing a part in CAD software. This design is then converted into a set of machine commands using CAM software. The CNC machine reads these commands to precisely cut and shape the material, producing a finished part that matches the digital design.

What are the Advantages of CNC Machining?

CNC Machining offers unparalleled precision and repeatability, making it a top choice for industries requiring intricate parts. Its ability to handle a variety of materials, from metals to plastics, combined with fast production times and consistent quality, makes it an essential method in modern manufacturing.

What's the Difference Between 3D Printing and CNC Machining?

3D printing is an additive manufacturing method, building parts by depositing material layer by layer. In contrast, CNC machining is a subtractive method, starting with a solid block of material and removing sections until the desired part is achieved. While 3D printing is often favored for complex geometries and rapid prototyping, CNC machining excels in durability, precision, and material versatility.

FAQs About GCH CNC Services

1. What are your maximum dimensions for CNC machining?

GCH PROCESS is proficient in facilitating the production and prototyping of large machined parts, be it metal or plastic. We boast a substantial CNC machining build envelope measuring 2000 mm x 1500 mm x 300 mm. This ensures we can accommodate even sizable parts, including those tailored for furniture or architectural applications.

2. Can you detail the tolerances of your machined parts?

Absolutely! The exact tolerance we offer is contingent upon your specific requirements. For CNC machining, our metal components adhere to the ISO 2768-m standards, while our plastic parts align with ISO 2768-c standards. It’s worth noting that the demand for higher precision will correspondingly increase the cost.

3. Can you provide insight into your CNC machining capacity?

Of course! GCH PROCESS has the capability to produce upwards of 10,000 diverse prototypes on a monthly basis, spanning from simple to intricate designs. Our infrastructure is bolstered by 120 state-of-the-art CNC machines, and we pride ourselves on having a team of over 100 skilled technical experts.

4. What materials can be used with GCH CNC machining?

GCH PROCESS CNC Services is versatile in terms of material compatibility. Commonly used CNC materials include metals like aluminum, steel, brass, and copper, as well as plastics such as ABS, Polycarbonate, and POM. However, specific materials availability might vary, so it’s always a good idea to check directly with the service provider.

5. How much does your CNC machining service cost?

The expense associated with our CNC machining service is variable and directly influenced by the distinct attributes of your project, including its design and tolerance specifications. The machining duration for the chosen material is another key determinant of the cost. To illustrate, should you require a part where the combined machining and material expense is $2, with an additional setup charge of $200, the total cost for a singular part would amount to $202. Contrastingly, should you commission the production of 200 identical parts, the cost per unit would be just $3! Learn more about the 数控加工成本.

6. Is there a minimum order quantity (MOQ) for CNC machining at GCH?

GCH PROCESS caters to both one-off prototype and large-scale production runs. Thus, there is typically no strict MOQ. Whether you need a single part or thousands,  GCH PROCESS aims to provide a solution.

7. How long does it take to receive a part once an order is placed?

Lead times can vary based on the complexity of the design, the chosen material, and the current workload at GCH PROCESS. However, one of the advantages of CNC machining is its speed, especially for simpler parts. Once the setup is complete, machining times can be relatively quick. Parts delivered as fast as 1 day! But for an accurate estimate, it’s best to request for quotes directly.

Explore CNC Resources
